26 August 2010

the re-grand opening of H&M in soho

And I got a $40 ticket.. YAYYYYY........ I dont know if you all know this but H&M is my favorite store. So it so happened that in the recent months through out New York many of the H&M's are remodeling there stores. The H&M in soho was having a re-grand opening last week. They were offering the first 300 customers online before 10am a gift certificate which had monetary value on them. Now the g/c value ranged from $10 to $300 and I got $40. 

^-----This is the tot goodie bag that they gave each customer. The goodie bag consisted of  -----^
a tot bag (of course) a pen, a notebook, a makeup bag, a makeup travel bag, a t-shirt, and an H&M fashion magazine. 

And these were my items that I purchased. They had lots of clothes on sale but of course not my size..